He Said He Wanted You Then Pulled Away? Here’s Why

If your man said he wanted you, and then walked away, then you’re not alone. Men can pull away for any number of reasons, including being overwhelmed with other aspects of their life. Or perhaps, he’s ready to move on. No matter why he pulled away, here are some tips to help you re-calibrate your expectations.

Relationship expert

If you feel that your man said he wanted you then pulled away, there are many reasons why he might do so. If you are still in the early stages of your relationship, it’s common for a man to distance himself, even though his feelings for you are crystal clear. If your man was single before you met, he may have forged his identity around his single status. He may have had his own hobbies and routines, as well as people that he saw frequently.

He Wanted You
He Wanted You

One reason a man might pull away is that he’s feeling stress in other areas of his life. This may be related to health concerns, problems with his family, or money worries. The man may not feel comfortable sharing his problems with you early in the relationship, because he’s afraid that doing so could ruin your relationship’s chances.

Another reason a man might pull away is that he has too many big time commitments. This means that he doesn’t have time to commit to a relationship. He’s likely exhausted by his many commitments. As a result, he’s exploring other options. Flirts.com Overview

He Wanted You
He Wanted You

If a man suddenly pulls away, it’s important to realize that he might be tired, stressed, or struggling with his health. Don’t make it more difficult on him by trying to pull him back. It’s better to accept his decision than force him to stay.

One of the best ways to resolve a relationship problem is to seek help. Relationship experts specialize in these kinds of issues and can help you recognize the root cause and suggest solutions. Often, couples can seek therapy together. There are many resources online and in-person options for people to seek help.

Men who pull away may feel that they’re not that interested in them. This may cause them to pull away because they believe they’re no longer interesting or that further efforts will be stonewalled. If you’re feeling unessential, it is important to remind yourself that you’re not a disposable commodity for a man.

He Wanted You

He Wanted You